It all started rather innocently. Drop the offspring at school had to make a stop and get some gas. That was until I saw this -

Now granted I knew full well I had perpetrated a total
Or was it?
He took my expired license (yes I said it, expired, but wait there's more) and came back (completely ignoring the fact that my back light was out) and ran my name and essentials. (All came back clean of course. Don't believe the hype! I have neva robbed a bank in my life! lol)
As he proceeded to write a ticket not only did I think "Great I'm toast, there goes a point on my DL and my insurance...." he explained he was not giving me a ticket for failing to stop at a sign. Now before you fellas get all "Oh it's because she's a female" on me keep reading.
He was giving me an Administrative Citation. Turns out that a new law went into effect 6 months ago, this allows an officer to issue an Administrative Citation versus a good old regular traffic ticket. (If you want the legal verbiage go here and scroll about 2/3 down>> Basically what happens you get to pay $100 bucks to keep the five-o off your back. Smells like a dressed up bribe to me but I digress.
Great idea right? Sure....but wait it gets worse. This Alameda County Sheriff basically let me know the following (and quite willingly I might add) -
- There is pressure for officers to issue tickets as local, county and state agencies face major budget cuts. THEY ARE LOOKING AT TICKETS AS A SOURCE OF REVENUE!!
- He blatantly told me that he had no desire to write a costly ticket to "a soccer mom in the suburbs" and would much rather STOP AND WRITE UP A THUG IN THE HOOD!!
Does any of this sound familiar? If you are from the Bay Area, especially the
Don't believe me? Where you been under a rock? It's been all over the news for the last two weeks but you can read about it here >>
Basically residents in the Oakland Hills got off with a warning for a parking violation while residents in the lower lying residential areas GOT JACKED!
So why write about it? I'm ANGRY that's why. Aren't you?! And if Oakland PD is doing it, if Alameda County Sherriff’s Dept is doing it....what makes you think YOUR local police department ISN'T doing? How about that CHP officer coastin' down the highway?
Now of course it makes NO SENSE that you will issue tickets with high fines in neighborhoods seen as THE HOOD who are not in the income brackets as the folks in the ‘burbs getting a break. Now don't get me wrong...I may live in the ‘burbs and I appreciate the break for the obvious financial reasons...I'm a single mom in a single income household. BUT I moved from the hood to give my kids a better chance so I been there. Now I understand that many cannot do what I did...hence my anger and disappointment.
Yo Oakland PD, Alameda County Sherriff are here to protect and serve. Not pick and chose who you protect and serve. Its inexcusable the blatant discrimination that you are participating in and shame on our crooked politicians who didn't think we would find out.
So to all my friends and all of you reading this....all I can say is mind your P's & Q's when driving. Make every stop, use your blinkers ESPECIALLY if you’re driving through the hood. The police are out to get they can close that budget gap! Above all, be safe! Unless of course you look like a soccer mom and live in the 'burbs.
Peace as always,