Things are in constant motion, constantly changing, morphing to something new. With all the things we have known and come to know interwoven into the present, this is what brings us to the now, to today. everything we have ever done, experienced or lived through has made us what we are right now at this moment.
So why state the obvious? Maybe because the majority of people can't grasp this simple concept. Most people will drag parts of their past with them and carry that baggage everywhere they go forever. Now don't misunderstand, I am not a cold compassionless person. I myself have been through some major ish...but you gotta know it, recognize it and make a promise to yourself you won't let it weigh you down and take you down like a sinking ship while you work through that. We all go through that and even right now I know someone I care for very deeply going through that right now. (I got you babe, I got you).
So why state the obvious? Maybe because the majority of people can't grasp this simple concept. Most people will drag parts of their past with them and carry that baggage everywhere they go forever. Now don't misunderstand, I am not a cold compassionless person. I myself have been through some major ish...but you gotta know it, recognize it and make a promise to yourself you won't let it weigh you down and take you down like a sinking ship while you work through that. We all go through that and even right now I know someone I care for very deeply going through that right now. (I got you babe, I got you).
No no no, the folks I am talkin' about wear this around their neck like a 50 lb lead weight and they do mean to drag you down with them. You know who they are, you see them every day. When you talk to them all they do is complain, they have nothing positive to say and when you hang up or leave their company you actually feel the negativity oozing off of you. ICK!! Instead of just shaking my head at these folks I can't help but feel sorry for them somehow. Some don't even carry baggage, they carry freight, no lie. I seen it, true story.
I choose not to live my life that way. Something my Dad told me a long time ago has stayed with me since I was a kid. "No matter how bad you think you have it, there is someone out there who has it worse than you do." It took me a long time to embrace that concept and not just embrace it but live it! Yes, there is a difference.
I think I have found my life to be in constant transition. Someone is always moving my cheese lol. Now the first time it happened I didn't know what to do or how to handle it. Yet when I look back I now realize it wasn't the first major change. I had been through other things, major life changes if you will, and I survived them all.
I guess it's why I feel like I can say what I say, feel what I feel enjoy who I am and say, you know what? I TRULY don't give a damn who likes it or not. When you start living your life to please everyone else, THAT is the moment you stop living. Period. Live for YOU and watch how much you happier you can be.
I can say this because I have been through some serious shit...pardon my language but there truly is no better way to say that. I have and I survived and if that is what I had to go through to be who I am now, I regret none of it. I could easily sit her and say poor me....but really come on me? Seriousy? No. I detest when people do that. Have some ganas, some drive, some ambition to be better, to have better to get up keep going and do it like you neva done it before.
Simple truth is I know that my life is far from over, far from settled so I know other things will get thrown my way. And like always I will handle it head and come out shinin' and smilin'.
Peace as Always
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